My Top Three Movie Picks by Genre 


This is an ever changing list. The titles in each genre are in no particular ranked order.  

Disclaimer: Many great movies on this list fall into more than one genre, which is one reason they are so amazing. 


  1. Shawshank Redemption  

  2. Get Out  

  3. Inglourious Basterds 


Romantic Comedy

  1.  When Harry Met Sally 

  2. Goodbye Girl 

  3. Heaven Can Wait 



  1. Jaws 

  2. The Shining 

  3. The Exorcist 


Science Fiction

  1. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 

  2. The Fifth Element 

  3. Alien (Horror) 



  1. The Wrecking Crew 

  2. Three Identical Strangers 

  3. Life Animated 



  1. All the President’s Men

  2. Jojo Rabbit

  3. Glory


  1. Beverly Hills Cop 

  2. Royal Tenenbaums (Comedy/Drama) 

  3. Young Frankenstein 



  1. Die Hard 

  2. John Wick 1, 2, and 3 

  3. Kill Bill 1 + 2 


Subgenre: Zombie Movies!

  1. Shaun of the Dead (Comedy) 

  2. Train to Busan 

  3. World War Z 



  1. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971) 

  2. Princess Bride 

  3. Edward Scissorhands 



  1. Singing in the Rain 

  2. West Side Story 

  3. Chorus Line